

I love it, I love it: two “finished” posts in a row!

(Now it’ll probably be three weeks until my next one. :[ )


It took me about two and a half-three weeks to handquilt this mess. But I think handquilting saved it, don’t you? Here’s where I was. I shuffled around the blocks, deciding that having differently-printed pink stars was better than the single-print pink stars (especially since I ran out of both the pink Petite Point dot and the Lecien Folk Heart flower and had to cut further into my Peacock Lane scrap, totally wrecking any design I’d intended).

And then, because the points were mushy and the blocks were poofy, I handquilted the heck out of it. I outlined each pink star three times, went around the grey rings three times, and outlined the “pie pieces” in the middles.


See how my shoes match? The laces are Kona Coal grey. Yep. I bought them while I was in the midst of quilting this.


In the end, I’m so glad I did this project. I hated it three weeks ago. I didn’t want to look at it, it was embarrassing, and I was just so ready to have it finished and put it away so I wouldn’t have to see it anymore. The funny thing is, though, that I finished it, pulled it from the dryer, and couldn’t wait to curl up under it.

And so, the Spinning Stars.